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Doctor of Education with over twenty years’ experience in education: teaching, supervising and training teachers. Nearly 10 years leading five public and private schools in USA and the Middle East as principal. Lecturer, advisor and program officer for two international exchange programs, Fulbright Scholarship and at Emporia State University in USA. Author of two leadership development books in Arabic and English under the same title “Are You a Marionette Doll or an Orchestra Conductor?

Doctor of Education with over twenty years’ experience in education: teaching, supervising and training teachers. Nearly 10 years leading five public and private schools in USA and the Middle East as principal. Lecturer, advisor and program officer for two international exchange programs, Fulbright Scholarship and at Emporia State University in USA. Author of two leadership development books in Arabic and English under the same title “Are You a Marionette Doll or an Orchestra Conductor?
Loop Letter from School to parents (editable and fillable resource)

Loop Letter from School to parents (editable and fillable resource)

I have always notified the parents and asked them for their interest in their child looping with the teacher. I let them know, and that they have the option of doing so (looping) or having their child in another teacher‘s grade class. I would never put a child with a teacher two years in a row without letting parents know or giving them some input. Most of the time they are very happy, however, if unhappy it’s better to get ahead of it. I include the benefits of looping. Research and data collection on looping, over the years, have shown numerous advantages including the following: ● Stronger student/teacher relationships ● Less time spent initiating beginning of the year classroom expectations and routines ● Increased consistency for students ● Reduced apprehension regarding the upcoming school year ● Familiarity with teaching/learning styles ● Increased instructional time leading to increased student achievement. ● Stronger parent relationships ● Opportunities to better differentiate and individualize content to meet student needs. ● Improved attendance and fewer retentions ● Stronger sense of community in the classroom